New Territories

8. SIM Swap - A Litigator’s Perspective

Episode Summary

A particular type of hacking incident, commonly referred to as “SIM Swapping,” is increasingly common. In this episode, we learn from Rebecca Rettig, a litigator who has worked on crypto cases since the early days, about the typical fact pattern in these incidents and how we can better protect ourselves. We also learn what one can do if you are an unfortunate victim of such a crime. She also explains what is typically in a customer services agreement between a customer and a wireless service provider.

Episode Notes

A particular type of hacking incident, commonly referred to as “SIM Swapping,” is increasingly common. In this episode, we learn from Rebecca Rettig, a litigator who has worked on crypto cases since the early days, about the typical fact pattern in these incidents and how we can better protect ourselves. We also learn what one can do if you are an unfortunate victim of such a crime. She also explains what is typically in a customer services agreement between a customer and a wireless service provider.